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Writer's pictureAvant Garde - Staff

Luke Lampo - Diving In and Exploring All Possibilities

The old saying goes that “if you want something done right, you have to do it

Luke diving head first into college prep.
Off to a great start!

yourself”. Now, I think there is a viable second option: if you want something done right, get Luke Lampo involved. It will probably turn out better than if you do it yourself. Luke began working with Avant Garde - College Prep Services (AGP) during his sophomore year of high school. Like many driven students, Luke knew he needed more than the standard high school career to reach his goals. By joining AGP, he received family college consultation, SAT test prep, essay prep, college application assistance, and general guidance on how to fill his summers and weekends in a way that would make his resume shine. And shine it does!

Luke is a driven student, and boasts an impressive high school resume. In addition to founding and leading the Mock Trial group and the swim team at his school, Luke is

Luke (second from Left) with his teammates.

on leadership boards for various student organizations, and has been awarded executive positions by school leaders for multiple outreach programs. His swim team received the 3rd highest score at the State meet their first year, all with only 4 members. His mock trial team also made it to state in its first year, after earning second place at regionals under the mentorship of Kevin Capps, Esq. He has a stock portfolio that he developed and has managed since 2018; in its first year, this portfolio saw a 26% gain. His internships include helping the Texas Attorney General’s office develop a presentation that would become the training program for the security department at the Alamo Museum regarding First Amendment rights, and working with the Brazos County 361st Court to gain experience in civil and criminal litigation. His acceptance into the Texas Attorney General’s Special Litigation Unit marked the first time a high student has been chosen for this role. Luke has been the recipient of awards for leadership, integrity, and growth. In addition to his heavy academic, leadership, and interning load, Luke

Luke (center) with Mock Trial team.

also works part-time at his family’s restaurant and volunteers both as a bilingual English and Math tutor and at the George Bush Presidential Library as a Junior Docent. Bryan Hunt, Luke’s APUSH teacher, states, “From the moment that you meet Luke, you realize that he is a natural-born leader. He is ambitious, diligent, focused, driven, tough, visionary, motivated, and full of energy and vigor.” We know all of these qualities are what allow Luke to be successful for himself and in positions of leadership/mentorship, and they are also what will make him a voracious and lifelong student, always seeking the next lesson. It is also what makes him seek excellence from and for others". Chemistry teacher, Brandon Baxter, says, “Luke can be characterized as a student who holds exceptionally high standards for himself. Science is not part of his desired career path, and yet, he consistently surprised me with his desire to learn, score high, and help his peers who struggled”. Shelley Caskey, Luke’s math instructor, feels similarly, stating, “What I love about Luke is that when he is passionate about something, he generates excitement and participation from everyone around him and finds innovative ways to make things happen. He is not scared of taking risks and putting himself out there”.

The above is a mere overview of Luke’s journey. Each item on his resume is more impressive than the previous, but this is an article, not a novel, so his achievements have been edited for brevity. As you can see, his schedule is pretty full, but there is always time in the day to work toward your goals. Luke stated that “Robb was super adaptable to the needs of my busy school schedule; if I needed to meet, Robb always made me feel like a priority and then proceeded to work even outside of meeting hours to help me explore my options. As a whole, the consultation process could not be more personalized, flexible, and helpful”.

Helping students realize their greatest potential is our primary goal at Avant Garde -

Luke exploring college prep.
Luke exploring the depths of himself.

College Prep Services. There are many test prep companies out there, but at AGP you’ll receive SAT/ACT prep designed to fit your needs: In Luke’s words “the SAT prep was extremely personalized and very flexible. I began by taking an initial test where my strengths and weaknesses were identified. From that point on, my curriculum was tailored to the results of my practice test. I absolutely loved this aspect of the prep. Additionally, Robb and Sarah both eventually knew me on a personal level and were able to make significantly better adjustments to my curriculum. As a whole, the relationship that is built with the instructors allows for an entirely different level of personalization and I can honestly say that they played the most critical role in my SAT success”.

Luke will be graduating this month from Allen Academy in Bryan, Texas. He is 2nd in his class. This fall, he will be attending Georgetown University, majoring in Finance. We are so proud to have been part of his college prep journey, and can’t wait to see him succeed in undergrad, law school, and life.

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