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Robb Jenson

Maximizing Your Community Service

Let’s face it students, filling out a college application can be tedious and time consuming, even more so if you have to complete applications in multiple formats. One common mistake we see from students is their inability to accurately represent themselves on their college applications. Today’s article will discuss the priority of tracking your community service hours and more importantly, how to best capitalize on your community service experience.

Many students fail to recognize all the acts of service they’ve performed and sell themselves short on their application. Start tracking these hours early in your high school career. You can easily create an excel sheet to log your hours, record info such as your date(s) of service, number of hours served, and name of the organization/individual with a brief description of work involved. This is just one of many ways you can track your hours and this service log will help you to complete your college applications and to present your service in its very best light.

One question we often get is: “What is considered community service?” Community service is any work performed for an individual or organization that benefits them, and in return, the service provider does not receive any financial compensation or tangible benefits. Some uncommon examples include: mowing your church or neighbor’s lawn, mentoring a young child after school, or helping to clean a public area (church, school, park, etc.). The important thing is that your acts are being done with the intent of goodwill toward helping others.

That's it for now students, we look forward to seeing you next time!

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